Barnet Shenkin

So with Valentines day approaching my wife Maggie gave me a lovely gift of a double squeeze. If you would like to check it out you can see it here Very fitting for  the day , one of the finer things in life. Barnet
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Check out two new articles one featuring Maggie Shenkin in a Valentines double squeeze   here One  featuring World Champion Jeff Meckstroth here
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Tip of the week (29 Sep)

"I was able to access and view the recordings successfully. Thank you again for your illuminating ideas. It's been priceless value."

Peter Malan

Bobby Slavenburg

Bobby Slavenburg Bobby Slavenburg enjoyed a famous Dutch partnership with Hans Kreijns. An ebullient personality I met him in Israel in 1966 at the Festival. I remember they played tennis early every morning. Bobby and Hans took me to Jaffa were they introduced me to crème caramel – it was delicious. Slavenburg and Kreijns used to play bridge at great speed and then induced errors from their opponents. They won the World pairs in 1966 and the Sunday Times in 1971. The following year he had to leave during the last match to make his flight! Slavenburg was a...
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