Can You win the Spingold ?
by Barnet Shenkin
Here is the fateful hand which decided the Spingold Trophy , one of the games most prestigious events, which was played in New Orleans at the end of August .Melzer led by 12 against Diamond with 2 boards to play.West, Moss led the
5 won in dummy. Declarer, Sontag then finessed in hearts . West won and switched to the
J .Sontag ruffed and led a low spade . East,Gitelman won, and played a second club, the K. Declarer ruffed and now was at the crossroads. What he did was cash the
Ace . West was then able to ruff the fourth Heart ,pull Declarer's last trump and as South had pitched a club from dummy ,claim the rest for 800 to E/W.enough for 14 imps and the match. Now Scroll down to the bottom of the page.
Declarer did not do well . try and see if you can do better . Making 8 tricks is enough to win the match.
Above click
next to see what declarer should have done.
You ruff the
king. If you see the danger of cashing the trump ace you play as indicated. West gets thrown in at the end and you would make 9 tricks for +730. Did you find the winning line or go down only 1 . Down 1 or minus 200 would win you the coveted Spingold Trophy