Against the world’s best
Dlr: South Vul: All | N Q 10 7 5 4 J 9 4 K 7 A 8 3
| |
W 6 3 K Q 5 A 9 3 K 10 7 6 5
| | E 9 8 10 8 7 2 Q 10 6 5 4 Q 4
| S A K J 2 A 6 3 J 8 2 J 9 2
| |
Sixteen of the World's top partnerships will contest the 13th International Invitation
Pairs Championship, organized by British Bridge League, at the Churchill Hotel, Portman Square, London, on Jan. 30, 31 and Feb. 1. Champions from South America, North America and Europe will compete with five British pairs.
The youngest will be Barnet Shenkin, 24. and Michael Rosenberg, 21, of Glasgow, strong candidates for a place in this year's British team. They showed they have the nerves for the occasion when they played this hand against the World's top two players, Garozzo and Belladonna.
South, Garozzo, was declarer in 3
. West, Shenkin, led a trump. Declarer won in hand and led a low diamond towards the king. This won and he came back to hand with a trump.
Dlr: South Vul: All | N Q 10 - - A 8 3
| |
W - - - K 10 7 6 5
| | E - 7 Q 10 Q 4
| S J 2 - - J 9 2
| |
Shenkin took the lead of
J with the ace and switched to
5. Garozzo made the natural play of the nine, covered by East's ten, which was allowed to hold the, trick. East returned a second heart and Garozzo won with the ace, ruffed his third diamond in dummy and exited with a heart. Shenkin won and was obliged to lead a club from:
On West’s
6 dummy played the ace. If East plays low, he will be obliged to win the second club and give declarer a ruff and discard for his contract. Rosenberg, however, rose to the occasion and unblocked his
Q under dummy's ace, so declarer could not avoid two club losers and lost his contract.
Tickets for the pairs championship, available at the door or from MSW Promotions, 9-11, Richmond Buildings, Dean Street, London W1V 5AH, cost £1,25 a session or £5 for all.