Barnet Shenkin

Brasilian maestro at the table by Barnet Shenkin prev/next

Dlr: North
Vul: N-S
N ♠A K 9 5
♥10 9 3
♦A K 5 4
♣K J
W ♠ 
♥8 5 4 2
♦J 8 7 6
♣10 9 7 4 3
 E ♠Q 10 3
♥K J
♦Q 10 9 3 2
♣A 6 5
 S ♠J 8 7 6 4 2
♥A Q 7 6
♣Q 8 2

When West led the ♣10 Declarer played the K from Dummy. The Chagas knew where the Q was . If his partner held it Declarer would have played the ♣J. He knew the only chance for the defense lay in a ♥ trick to go with the ♣ and the ♠ to come. So , quick as a flash he played the ♥J.

The poor declarer thought it could be a singleton! Expecting there to be no trump losers he rose with the ♥Ace. Imagine his horror when trumps did not split and Chagas held the ♥K.

What Chagas did here was use his imagination to find a scenario Declarer could have a problem and choose the wrong play, bravo Gabriel.
