Barnet Shenkin

The Evening Times by Albert Benjamin prev/next

Bridge by Albert Benjamin

The first European Junior Championship will be played in Delft, Holland from July 30thto August 6th. Twenty countries including Britain will take part and players must not be above 27 years of age.

Britain will be represented by P. D. Alder and C. Evans (London); M. Pomfrey and D. Kendrick (London); B. J. Shenkin and G. Cuthbertson (Glasgow). Non-playing captain A. L. Benjamin.

At an unofficial championship held last year Britain finished last. It should not be too difficult for my team to improve on this. I should perhaps point out that the captaincy has no age restrictions!

The team was selected after a junior Camrose event of which Scotland and England were joint winners. Some wild results are not unexpected at junior events. This was the wildest:

Dlr: East
Vul: Both
N ♠K 10 6 4
♣K q 10 8 7 6 4
W ♠5 3
♥A J 10 7 6 5
♦A 7 6 4 2
 E ♠-
♥Q 4
♦Q J 10 9 5 3
♣A J 5 3 2
 S ♠A Q J 9 8 7 2
♥K 9 3 2

Shenkin and G. Cuthbertson:

1♦ 2♠ 3♠4NT
5♣Double 5♦ 5♠

Not realizing that the declarer was off three aces, West underled the ace of diamonds hoping East would gain the lead and play a club. However Cuthbertson had the king and made the contract, 850 points to Scotland.

Scotland East-West, D. Shenkin and C. McClatchie:

- 4♠4NT 5♠
5NT- 6♥-
- 6♠--
